Lianqiang Cao China

Lianqiang Cao China
August 6, 2020 Nelson Tucker

Service by Publication in China

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the  Order for Service by Publication for Lianqiang Cao, and supporting Court-issued documents shall be published for at least once per week for four (4) successive weeks upon order of the Court. Respondent, Lianqiang Cao, who is believed to be a resident of the People’s Republic of China is hereby notified that a civil legal case for divorce has been filed against that person as the Respondent.


Case name: Ying Che v. Lianqiang Cao

Case Number: 19D010268

Court: Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Lamoreaux Justice Center

Division: Family Law

Lead document: Order for Publication

Country: China

Start date of Publication:  August 6, 2020

Be it known to all that Judge Lon F. Hurwitz, of the Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Lamoreaux Justice Center, has ordered that the Order by Publication for Lianqiang Cao along with related Court-issued documents be published in the above-captioned case in a an appropriate publication of general circulation in China, namely Global Legal Notices, LLC, for a period of  once a week for four (4) successive weeks.


Signed, HONORABLE Lon F. Hurwitz

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